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Listly is the simplest way to create, curate and publish

Share your interests. Involve your audience. Collaborate with friends

Make lists on the go

Lists are great content. They are fun to make and easy to consume for your readers. Use our web app or iOS app to make lists on the go and keep them updated. Android app coming soon!

Publish on Listly and your blog

Listly makes it easy to publish your lists on your blog or website that will impress your audience. Keep your lists updated from wherever you are and see your content evolve.

Involve your audience

Listly lets your audience suggest items to be added to the list, helping you continuously curate great content. They can also vote on items and share individual items from your list.

People love lists mostly because they are very easy to read and at the same time they are full of valuable information. Bloggers love them because they don’t require as much effort to put together and readers love them because they get all the information they need in a matter of minutes. And this is where Listlycomes in - this great app for creating lists makes them even more entertaining and more rewarding, for both bloggers and readers.

When I first came across Listly I was quite impressed with what it has to offer, as it really makes lists not only more fun, but actually more informative and interesting. You might have thought until now that a list requires one person to do some research on a particular subject and then transform all of this information into an easy to read list. Listly, however, gets everyone in on the job, and makes the whole process more interactive.

Firstly, why create lists? Easy: because people love them - and here’s why:

  • Lists are very easy to read, and people can easily skim through them
  • They have lots of useful information on a particular subject and it’s right to the point!
  • It’s an easy way for people to find some new, interesting information
  • They are fun!

Lists however have one big drawback: they become obsolete in no time, so they’re not the type of posts that bloggers can milk for a long period of time.

Where does Listly come in?

Listly, as I mentioned earlier, aims to make the list making process more fun and more interactive, by getting others users in on the process. Once you think of a topic and start a list, anyone can contribute their own information to it, and you can moderate the list to make sure it’s up to your standards; and you as well can check out other lists and add your own items to them.

One of the great aspects of Listly is that you can embed any of your lists on your own website. And, if you have a WordPress website (like me!) you can get the Listly plugin which brings more options and customizations to the table. And if your list is great, other bloggers could pick it up as well and use it on their own website, which can raise your awareness and bring you more traffic to your own blog or website. That said, however, I recommend you make sure you heavily brand your lists - not so much as to make them annoying, but enough that people know exactly who made them so you don’t lose any potential traffic.

Another great thing about Listly is that it doesn’t stop here with the social aspect. Once you’ve set up a list you can then share it on all the major social networks easily and also email it to anyone you like- great for getting even more engagement!

As I mentioned earlier, lists can become useless very fast, which can be quite a big drawback for bloggers. However, when using Listly that isn’t a problem anymore, as lists are constantly being updated and added to. And the more popular your list is, the better your chances that it will keep being updated constantly for a longer time.

I also recommend you browse the Listly website for other lists and get involved in them by adding your own information and by voting on them. This way you are basically boosting your engagement, just like you would do on Twitter or Facebook, or any other social network, which in turn helps with awareness and traffic. If you’re not sure where to start, just take a look at the Listly Homepage, where you can see all the trending lists:

Google also loves Listly - well, not Listly in particular, but lists in general, so by creating lots of lists you also boost your Search Engine Optimization. And the fact that Listly lists are constantly being updated makes Google love them even more, which is great news for your website.

In conclusion...

Overall, I think Listly is a pretty great tool/app and it makes it very easy for people to substantially boost their engagement levels, among other great benefits.

What do you think of Listly? Have you used it by now or planning to? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.

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Best for non-developers

Non-technical professionals, from retailers to marketers to analysts and researchers, now can easily get data with a single click. Listly helps non-tech savvy professionals skip hours of copying and pasting and keep their data organized. Export web data to Excel in a moment. Make your work easier.

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